“All About Reiki”
What exactly is Reiki?
Reiki is Japanese Healing Energy, it is Universal Life Force Energy. It was rediscovered by Dr. Master Mikao Usui in 1922. It has been around for thousands of years.
It is a form of Spiritual Healing that involves channeling Reiki Energy throughly the practitioner into the client. There are several attunements the practitioner undergoes before they become a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner.
You’ll learn about the history of Reiki.
You’ll learn there are 3 levels of Reiki before you can become a Reiki Master.
You’ll learn about each level of Reiki and what it means for the 21 Day Cleanse.
You’ll learn how a typical Reiki Healing session is done.
You’ll learn about how to work with the client before and after the session.
The event is in our Staten Island, NY studio, 1869 Victory Blvd, from 7pm to 9pm, on Thursday, 10/1/2020. Register for our Reiki workshop through the MindBody app or here. Register before 10/1/2020, the investment is $89.
The workshop will be led by Rev. Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD is an Intuitive, Mystic, Coach, Teacher, Author, Quantum Healer. She is a Holistic Practitioner PhD and President of Spiritual Holistic Services.
As an Intuitive spiritual healer and teacher, Susan is dedicated to holding space for YOUR Healing and Soul Purpose to become fully aligned!
